If you have never participated in a Aquabike before here are your directions:
Come Saturday to the Expo and Pick up your Race Packet and Stay for one of the course talks.
1. Arrive Early and check into the transition area
2. Rack your Bike in the area marked for your Wave (wave will be assigned to you on your packet Pick up sticker or look for the Wave Schedules Board at Registration area.
3. Go to the Body Marking Area - Volunteers will be putting your race info on you calf and arm. (Do not apply sunscreen until after body marking is done)
4. Do A Warm up before you start (If there is not a swim warm up area - Please choose other warm up)
5. Transition closes at 6:45 am, so all your gear needs to be set before this time and you must exit the area. Leave your bike, helmet, bike shoes, running shoes, race belt with your race number attached if you have one (or pin to your shirt), sunglasses, hat with your bike.
6. Be Ready with your wetsuit and proceed to the swim start area
7. Listen for your wave staging
8. Enter the water when instructed
9. You will swim out to a buoy and wait for the announcer to start your swim.
10. After swim you will run (or walk) to the transition area "swim in"
11. Switch to your biking gear - Helmet on and fastened before you move your bike.
12. Un-rack your bike and run (or Walk) to the "Bike Out" exit
13. You MAY NOT mount the bike until you are past the “Mount Line” which is clearly marked outside the transition area. Do your ride and make sure you know how many loops of the course you need to do before the start. When you return, dismount just before the clearly marked “Dismount Line.”
14. Run or Walk bike back into the transition area through the "Bike In" Entrance. This is your finish line You are DONE!
15. After you finish your Biking and you are finished with your event, you must walk over to the run finish to receive your medal and enjoy the after-race goodies.